Vivek Shetty

Senior Consultant

+61 411 959 392

Vivek Shetty

Senior Consultant

+61 411 959 392

Vivek Shetty has worked in the IT consultancy services industry for over a decade, with more than 8 years of business applications & systems experience within the Construction Industry. Vivek is an Electrical and Electronics Engineer (NMAM Institute of Technology) with a Master’s Degree in IT and Business Applications (University of Western Australia).

A problem solver & clients’ advocate, Vivek has always strived for excellence in service delivery.

Vivek Leuva

Senior Consultant

+61 403 813 335

Vivek Leuva

Senior Consultant

+61 403 813 335

Vivek has diverse experience in various fields of IT, which he utilizes to help clients see whole picture of their digital journey. He has been working in project management and business analysis roles for over 8 years, managing various software and infrastructure projects.

Vivek is a Computer Engineer with Masters in IT Management, specializing in Business Analysis and Project Management.

Our Story

The beginning

While working as consultants for one of the leading software companies within the construction industry, we noticed a gap in the process of implementing construction software.

In most scenarios, organisations are overwhelmed by the amount of work that goes in before choosing a software, especially during and after implementation. The purview of such tasks falls outside the realm and capabilities of the software companies that are offering digital solutions.

Traditionally, these responsibilities are assigned to regular staff members in addition to their day-day tasks in the organisation. In most of the cases, these employees are overwhelmed with their workload or may not be qualified to carry out these tasks. Needless to say, such scenarios pose serious challenges with regard to efficiency and may lead to unnecessary clutter and mishaps in the project. These challenges are amplified for small and medium-sized businesses, as some of the most crucial aspects of operations are often overlooked during this process.

This is where we come in, our objective at Aveza is to help you make a smooth transition into the digital sphere.

The Aveza Journey

The idea of Aveza Consulting was conceptualised in June of 2018 after Vivek Shetty completed his 6-year stint at Clickhome. After amassing considerable expertise in the construction industry and armed with excellent technical skills, Vivek began working as a sole trader under the banner Aveza Consulting. He started by providing system consulting, business analysis and project management services to builders and suppliers within the construction industry. Shortly thereafter, due to the increase in new projects and opportunities, Vivek Shetty was looking for a skilled and experienced individual to partner with him in this venture. This endeavour brought him to Vivek Leuva.

Yes, another Vivek to join the organisation. Vivek Leuva was independently consulting after his full-time role. He is an accomplished IT professional with significant expertise in the field of software implementation and project management.

In order to provide a holistic software solution and implementation experience for their clients, Vivek Leuva and Vivek Shetty joined hands to share their expertise with all the contenders of the construction industry. Thus, Aveza Consulting Pty Ltd was incorporated. Their a combined experience of more than 12 years has helped them understand the nuances of the residential building industry. The duo is well-acquainted with the pain points and specific challenges faced by builders, suppliers and buying groups face within the construction sector.

What do we do best?

The team at Aveza has the expertise and the bandwidth to help you design, develop or identify software applications that will help digitise and streamline various operations within your organisation.

Since most industries have similar pain points while dealing with digital transformation, software sourcing, software development, project management and implementation needs. We can cater to more than just the construction industry.